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Wrapped Studio's Magazine Feature

I cannot tell you how over the moon I am to have been featured in this month's edition of Midland's Living. After just arriving back to the UK 18 months ago I feel so honoured to receive this kind of recognition and am so grateful to Sharon Martin and the Midlands Living team for taking the time to meet with me.

I must say its not been the easiest transition, packing up our Canadian life and business and starting over with a family in tow - even though I dreamed of returning home to the UK for so many years. No one really knows about Wrapped Studio here, and so I am faced with reaching out online to new friends as I cannot meet you all in person. So having a feature piece like this so soon, really is a wonderful gift. I am, however, excited to restart this business. This time I can avoid all the hiccups and mistakes I made 15 years ago as a start up and newbie furniture creator. I have learned so much over the years and also grown as a designer. Wrapped UK may be new to you all, but it has been years in the making and is everything I am passionate about. So, to all my new friends and followers, I hope you stick around and enjoy this new journey with me. I have lots to share with you and so many more creations to make.

To read the full article and enjoy rest of the magazine just login to the attached link.

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